Last week I lost 2 pounds and this week I lost 1 pound. Not as exciting as losing 3-5.6 pounds, but every little bit counts. The leader was taking about how even a quarter of a pound is a lot. She said to go home and get a stick of butter and put it up to your body and try to decide where you lost that much weight from. I laughed, but when I got home, my kids where kinda
teasin' me for only loosing a pound, but I got out a one pound box of butter and showed them just how much a pound was. They changed their thinking after that. I guess I just want all the fat gone now and I don't want to wait. I have to remember that I gained this weight over about a five year period of time, even if it takes five years to get it off, that will be fine. My goal before I joined
Weightwatchers was to lose 10 pounds a year rather than gaining 10 pounds a year. I have
already surpassed that goal in just 4 weeks. I am going to list my small goals to keep me going and not worry about the end goal.
1. Working on 5 pounds at a time. I already have two 5 pound stars and I am nearly half way to the third.
2. 10 % goal. I have already lost 5 % of my original body weight, all I need to do is repeat this once and I will get my 10 % key chain.
3. Get below 200 pounds. I remember when I was pregnant the last few times, I dreaded to get over 200 pounds, but at least I could use pregnancy as an excuse now.
4. Wear a size XL misses comfortable. I am starting to wear size 16 or 14 jeans, depending on the jeans and my 1X tops are feeling a bit large. I estimate that I will wear size XL/14 when I lose my 10%.
5. Jog instead of walk. I am walking/jogging for about 30 minutes now. I want to get where I can jog the whole time.
Well, these are my small goals. I already feel like I have accomplished so much. It is amazing how just losing 11.8 pounds can make such a difference in how you feel. My belly is getting smaller, I can tell, but no one outside my family has commented yet. I guess I am one who needs that attention, cause I can't wait for someone to comment on my weight loss. But for now, I feel thinner, I have more energy, and I am excited to be on this journey.