Just think, I have lost more than 23 of these big blobs over the last 2 months. Never again will I feel discouraged for losing only one pound!
Also last week was my daughter Brinya's fourth birthday. I decided to have some cake and icecream to celebrate. Now, in the past, I really believed that a serving of cake and icecream equaled about 4 cups....but now I know that it is more like one cup. I ate the one cup, enjoyed it, and had no desire to eat more. Now, that is an accomplishment for me. I am usually the one who eats one bite of forbidden foods and than says, "what the heck, I blew it, I might as well eat the whole thing"~ not anymore, there are no forbidden foods, only portion control...and feeling in control.
And did I mention, that I am no longer considered "obese"! I am now on the higher end of being "overweight" for my height. Most people are not thrilled about being called overweight, but compared to the word obese, it sounds like heaven. Of course, I look forward to the day they will call me "normal".
Here is my updated Virtual Model, after losing 23.2 pounds. Is she looking great or what?!